Divine Worship Service
Order of Worship | February 08, 2025 @ 11:15 am EST
Invitation to Worship
Praise and Worship
- SWP Praise Team
Call to Worship (Psalms 100)
- Elder C. Bent
Opening Prayer
- Elder C. Bent
Opening Hymn ("Negro National Anthem")
- Elder S. Noel
Church in Worship
- Pastor E. Earl Blackwell
- Pastor C. Richards
- Sis. T. Singleton
Children's Story
- Sis. C. Massy
Tithes and Offerings
- Elder C. Bent
Intercessory Prayer
- Elder C. Brown
Scripture Reading (Isaiah 43:1)
- Elder C. Brown
Introduction of Speaker
- Pastor E. Earl Blackwell
Special Music
- SWP Praise Team
Sermon ("Asenath: Joseph's Overlooked Wife")
- Pastor Stephen A. L. Richardson
- Pastor C. Richards
Closing Hymn
- SWP Praise Team
- Elder C. Brown
Thank you for worshiping us!
The Family of SWP is delighted to have you worship with us. May the blessings of this Sabbath day be long remembered and cherished.
Sabbath School: 9:50-10:40 a.m., which is held in the Sanctuary.
SWP Adventist Community Service Center has reopened. Food giveaways are on Tuesdays 3-5pm and clothing are available on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 3-5 p.m.
Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 am. Sunday through Sabbath. The Zoom Information is 854-2165-2120, passcode is 441018 or click on the link below. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85421652120?pwd=dk1wUUJoWUJBN3RBd2ZZN2tCb3NGQT09
Please join us every Friday as we pray and fast for our children, youth and young adults. The individual and family worship challenge is still going, join the challenge by having individual and Family worship every day for the next 30 days. Parents, guardians, children and youth please meet Pastor Richards on the front left side of the Sanctuary immediately following the worship service to hear testimonies about the past 30 days.
Total Member Involvement: All members of the church, please sign up and join one of the seven evangelistic team. Or sign up to join the prayer team or the 24-hour telephone line.
Join our AY Sessions at 4:30pm every Sabbath beginning this afternoon.
February 8, 2025: Pastor Richards would like to meet directly after service with the following individuals: Eddie Hunter, Juanita Hunter, Kimberly Brown, Rodrick Ricketts, Althea Jackson, Jhanelle Richards, Johanna Peart, Nicole Jenkins, Ashley Schlack, Audrey Russell and Ethan Hunter.
February 22, 2025, at 3:30pm: “Come hear our Story,” a special AY program
about the experiences of members who lived during the Jim Crow era.
- Evangelism Training Seminary: February 22, 2025, at 4:45 pm.
Global Youth Day (ACT) March 15, 2025. Global Youth Week of Prayer:
March 15, to March 22nd , 2025.
- We have teachers for our youth and young adult classes. Sabbath School lesson study begins at 9:50 am. Please bring your children to Sabbath School so that they can learn more about Jesus.
Women’s Ministry Presents Forty Days Forty Items Challenge: February 10th , is the first day of Lent. We ask those who are willing to accept the challenge that each day of Lent you remove one item from your closet that you no longer wear or need and put into the trash bag provided. At the end of the forty days, we will donate the items to our neighborhood nursing homes and shelters. We thank you in advance for your participation and for sowing seeds of love to those less fortunate.
Pentecost 2025: The North American Division has authorized three-4 evangelism events for 2025. The dates are forthcoming.
- Our SWP devotional book for 2025 is Ye Shall Receive Power by Ellen G. White. It can be downloaded from the Ellen G. White Writings App, the Google Store, Apple App Store, or purchased from Amazon for $16.99.